California Business Entities and Tax Information


Tax Information

There are several agencies that administer a variety of taxes for businesses in the State of California. While other state and local agencies may issue licenses and permits and assess fees or taxes, the following is a list of agencies that can assist you in determining your tax obligations and provide you with information about tax reporting and taxpayer rights.

State Agencies & Programs

Franchise Tax Board

The California Franchise Tax Board administers personal and corporate income and franchise taxes for the State of California.

State Board of Equalization

The California State Board of Equalization issues seller's permits and is responsible for the administration and collection of the state's sales and use, fuel, alcohol, tobacco, and other special taxes and fees. The California State Board of Equalization plays a significant role in California property tax assessment and administration. The BOE also acts as the appellate body for franchise and personal income tax appeals.

Employment Development Department

Responsible for the regulation of securities, franchises, off-exchange commodities, investment and financial services, independent escrows, consumer and commercial finance lending, and residential mortgage lending.

California Tax Service Center

Provides a one-stop shop for tax assistance, including information about income tax, payroll tax, sales & use tax, and other taxes and fees for businesses.

Federal Agency

Internal Revenue Service

The Internal Revenue Service issues employer federal identification numbers and administers federal payroll and income taxes, including social security, Medicare, federal unemployment insurance and federal income tax withholding.


Business Entities (BE)

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